advantages and disadvantages of matriarchyadvantages and disadvantages of matriarchy

advantages and disadvantages of matriarchyadvantages and disadvantages of matriarchy

Also hunter-gatherer socities naturally tend to have non-hierarchal egalitarian social structures, there is social and economic equality and violence often tends to be very rare which in spite of their lack of technology seems to be more highly advanced society morally than the one we currently live in. Hardly anyone would use violence as a calculated strategic method for achieving successful results. That sounds like a perfect Orwellian nightmare. And it is that type of technology that we desperately need! Besides, women already do the biggest part in shaping men. Not responsible for their violence? Matriarchy is a social system in which women hold the primary power positions in roles of authority. Men hate and fear other men from other countries, religions, social classes and ethic groups. It is patrairchal rule that is holding back human progress, our world can never become a better place while men continue to rule it. Lengthy formalities The insurance claims usually have lengthy legal formalities. For instance many men have attempted to create equal societies with socialism and communism but totally failed because their competitive instincts got in the way of this. Do people do nothing once the truth comes out? Want to disagree with me? And was all such invention worth it? Don't dodge the question. The first one is the general tendency of parents to bond more closely with children of opposite sex. The point is that as history shows us, we don't want ruthless, aggressive, violent and competitive people rule our world. Women who are not dominated by oppressive patriarchal societies are more able to express their nurturing and loving natures. You're criticizing all men for being men. The difference has started to become somewhat political. You say that "In the west, we already have a partial matriarchy with respect to the base unit of society--the black community in the US, where over 70% of children are raised without fathers. I would imagine women leaders trying to be fair and try to give men equality and even leadership roles. This was a extreme case of blatant sexism against female scientists. You cannot know exactly how much of us is determined through biology. At the present moment with the mishandling of the world's financial system, with rising population, global warming and more and more wars people are getting fed up with our present system. The first definition paves the way for the second definition. Native women and all women of color continued to face a disproportionate number of obstacles, but the first female Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, Wilma Mankiller provides us with a good . I can also explain that men on average are physically bigger and stronger than women, is that another sexist remark? ". But if men are incapable of taking responsiblities for their own actions, then that is another reason why they shouldn't be ruling our world. You didnt have any responses to my points back then and you probably wont have any now either, (unless you consider repeating yourself a response). They have somehow made democracy work but even this is getting undermined all the time. Lineage is traced through . Has it even occurred to you that stating men are violent by nature is laying the groundwork for justifying preventive incarceration? They engage other individuals to do the dying on their behalf. Your learning curve has no upward angle whatsoever. Five thousand years of history have shown that patriarchy is totally incapable of solving basic problems like warfare and poverty. matriarchy, hypothetical social system in which the mother or a female elder has absolute authority over the family group; by extension, one or more women (as in a council) exert a similar level of authority over the community as a whole. Apprehension would be a serious handicap in a leadership, and sensitivity connotes a thin skin, which would at best, hinder those who are sensitive from overcoming obstacles on the path to leadership. Women burst into that male-dominated scientific field without need for tools, money or encouragement. They're not of course. So, these elements can fulfill ones needs. Don't you think that's crazy? The public will also have to be re-educated to want to vote for geniune caring and nuturing women. Because society does not hold them accountable--even when they are overtly violent and anti-social--there is a further moral hazard in that they will actually be able to get away with more violence and competitiveness than men do before being called on it. Now, it is over 70% female. Steve Andrews from Lisbon, Portugal on July 05, 2012: Lucy, who is it that invents and builds and uses weapons of mass destruction? "They will not have the same interest in warfare as men, and will certainly will not have the same interest in invading other countries as what patriarchal countries do. In his book, The Inevitability of Patriarchy, Steven Goldberg put forward a powerful argument that mens competitive behaviour, will always make men strive harder than most women to gain the high-status roles in any society. It has to live in its pristine form. The fact is that when men rule our world, we have a world of violence, war and injustice. Youre forgetting that women are not all one monolith speaking in unison. Just because you don't see female competition because you're not affected by it, does not mean it's any less aggressive than male competition. 1 Mosuo, China. I never said "patriarchal politicans only pretend to be caring people". Better reaction to plug interest. I worked within the black community for many years. Important research that has already been done on this topic has been, and will continue to be, included in . If you know about different cultures, you would be aware of the varying social systems. If you want women to rule the world, fine. You are basing your entire argument on the absurd idea that women are neither competitive nor violent, and that maternal instinct prevents them from being competitive or violent. And in our competitive patriarchal world is seems that the most competitive and aggressive people get to the top.. "Men have the intellegence to be able to fly men to the moon, but is incapable of solving basic problems like warfare and poverty. Patriarchy thinks in another way. Creating a far more equal and caring society. Later on Communism and Socialism also attempted to create an equal society but likewise failed. Slight movement can ruin the image, requiring retesting. Body paragraphs. Why would I? It can shift between the needs of the various projects under development and the company's functional units. Even today the scientific establishment is still controlled by men. And crazily, the worse a woman's offense, the more eager we are to absolve her. You're not even trying to hide it. And remember, these TROs are unfounded or false--meaning the man did NOT brutalize the woman into behaving in this way. The fallacy lies in a blindness to the similarities. It is not the so called Western stereoypical and most feared, female supremecist society that many bullshit about; I mean, we don't even know what a true female supremacist society in all its full potential would be like given our so called biological differences. So why are we continuing with a system that clearly does not work? It enhanced cooperation and lowered risk as small, isolated bands of humans spread into new habitats and regions across the world, and was likely crucial to our survival and success. Its really interesting abd informative reading all the comments about this, what i didn't realise is about the percentages of crime - yes i knew men cause more crime than females but never realised its about 99% - that is alot and really needs to be addressed! Yes, I agree the ordinary man doesn't want violence but patriarchal rule tends to put the worse possible leaders in power. I also wonder how it is that you don't see yourself as ultimately patriarchal. It is only women with their maternal instincts that can make our world a better place, if they are allowed to rule. Hope, the Advantages & Disadvantages of MS Access listed above helps you choose the right version of MS Access. This is why in democracy they have to have fiercely competing political parties to make it work. But if you want to be pernickety about it, yes it is people who commit violence but over 99% of the people who do this, are men. However, there have always been cultures where women were in charge of things; they dominated families and society and were at the core of everything. Search my user name when you have a revelation that women are actual persons capable of personal agency and sovereignty, and who are fully capable of being held responsible for their own actions. Also I believe a matrairchal government will be more interested in teaching boys to be caring and loving people than any patriarchal government. That is complete bullshit, and it disrespects and dishonors the real daughters of mother's who were raised in Matriarchal households! Most partnerships like to have one person focus on big picture concepts while the other manages accounting or financial obligations. They were filled with fit men capable of organizing into tactical units for the purpose of killing. And for what purpose? List of the Disadvantages of a Monarchy 1. This is why the gap between rich and poor is growing all the time. (And no, I'm not anti-choice. But throughout recorded history the one thing that hasnt been tried and that is Matriarchy. And a male feminist might say, "But I don't want to wear those things in the first place,so how is it a bad thing that we can't wear them?" Precisely! I've found another mistake in your reasoning though: You make a correlation where there might not be one and sell it as fact. Men who are violent beasts, constitute a tiny minority of the male population. There has recently been a rise in acid attacks on men by women, however as they say, "what goes around comes around," and I see this as these men getting a fair taste of their own medicine. See my response above. Yes, men have created democracy and tried to create equal societies and tried to stop wars, but what is very noticeable, is how they have failed in this. No govement dominated by women will want to see children in the country they rule live in poverty and ignorance. I don't see how we can get pass this. Their interest in resources and prevailing their culture was just as strong. Weve been through all this before. The fact is that is it nearly always men who fight in wars or commit genicide. Disadvantage: Endless Red Tape. In other words, it may very well be that it was female leadership, not some cultural lack of male aggression, that led to the extinction of those matriarchal societies. This does not mean that genitalia are linked to being a warmonger. Incompetent or corupt people can mess up any system, know matter how good it is. Why would any women want to get pregnant, carry a baby in their belly for nine mouths, go through all the difficulty and pain of childbirth, and then have to look after the child she gave birth until it is an adult? This woman should be honored for her accomplishments, and I will do more research into her life in the future. "I would certainly agree that men are generally better at science, engineering and mechanic than women, ". More blatant sexism. This is different from secondary data, where there is more time lag between data collection and publication. Mothers commit higher rates of physical abuse than fathers. It is very difficult to blame the violence of our world onto women as well as men, when women commit less than 1% of this violence. For example, a producer might try inbreeding to increase milk production. This is because most of the wealth and important jobs are in the hands of men. ". You completely got that one wrong. The status of the children is mostly decided by the status of the mother. Now, I can understand why feminist think that. (Like alexander the great, genghis khan, bonaparte and hitler) So if a matrairchal government was to perform poorly they would be quickly voted out of office. Speak your mind all you wish, but stop speaking other peoples minds. The only thing interesting you touched on was the fact that there are virtually no matriarchies in recorded history. Your position is not to just try and see if the other sex can do a better job. Differences between what men and women? And your entire last paragraph treats women like objects. The leadership is also passed on to the female lineage for appointing the new leading woman of the group. It goes like this: Judge: "Ma'am, you maliciously lied to the police and had your husband forcibly removed from his home and excluded from his children's lives. I mean, what would you change about the current democratic system of the Western developed countries? In human females this instinct has to be stronger than most other mammals because the human child is far more helpless than any other mammal, and takes far longer to mature. And they always say, 'it is the woman's fault'. It is said if all men stood up for their rights, who would stop us? Matriarchs consider nature as something living and organic. It depends a lot of the individual man you are talking about, though on the whole I have personally found women to be a lot nicer people than men. It is crazy to say men and women are the same. I think you have deeply misunderstood where Wabond is coming from, I know for a fact and he has even admitted it himself that he is not trying to put women on a pedestal, nor see women as perfect goddless-like and infallible beings, hell no one here has ever said that, however, men have done a good job at symbolically idealizing themselves as such and still do even today, just take a look at the Vatican where the pope's word is considered God's word on earth! If I take away the house or withhold a share of the assets, it will harm the children. The fact is that if you allow men to rule countries, as history shows, they have a tendency to want to conquer, invade or start wars, with other countries. By your logic, this statement would also be true; There have been great periods of peace during history. ". It has to live in its pristine form. Then I'm happy to change my position. Nothing else. After reading serveral of your articles/blogs at first I was abit unsure of what you were trying to say, but after reading more about this and thinking about it I totally believe what you sergest is very good. You've got to be kidding me! I mean, I would ferociously attack those who steal the work of others due to their lack of dignity and respect for those who were truly responsible for such accomplishments! We have had many great thinkers trying to solve these problems, through either religion or politics, but what is noticeable with all these solutions, is that they all have failed. The company can invest this profit to fund high capital research projects to bring more innovative products to the market. I know that opinions are sometimes wrong. Historically women are no different or better then men. Men hate and fear other men from other countries, religions, social classes and ethic groups. @2022 - All Right Reserved. In simple words, this system is for the mothers of a family. I don't think saying that patriarchy is not so bad because we are still alive, is not exactly a vote confidence in male rule. This is also true of other sports where there is not a lot of difference in the way male kangaroos box each other and the way men fight in a boxing ring. The children get their names from their fathers. So it was they who got the Nobel Prize, and her work was not even acknowledged by the Nobel Prize committee. As you have pointed out patriarchal politicans only pretend to be caring people. There are other men committing mass rapes on women in the Congo. William Bond (author) from England on August 12, 2011: There are men out there murdering defenceless protestors on the streets Syria. We are suppose to be an intellegent animal. "Things can only change when we have matriarchal political parties where women are free to be themselves and not have men tell them how to behave.". ". When feeling the sting of rejection, women leaders learn from adversity and carry on with an "I'll show you" attitude. Do you even realize what you just said? Who is more diverse anyway? But to point out that men do a really terrible job of ruling our world and that women because of their maternal and nurturing instincts would do a far, far better job. Are you going to say that is also a sexist remark? That is what happens when we believe women are somehow less violent than men, and are not willing to hold women accountable when they are violent. I cannot believe that the men ruling our world are actually going to change and see the errors of their ways and become nicer people. You made broad generalizations casting all men, not some, not even most, but ALL of them in collective shame and guilt. You insist this is true, whereas it is obvious to me that men and women are very different. Emotional stability, rule-consciousness and vigilance are all good leadership traits, and express in men to a much greater degree than in women. I can assure you that I don't have many resources and those in which I do are limited, I am without a job, and I alone am my only damn motivator and encourager, nothing has ever been given to me! We are mammals; it is the female in all species of mammal that care for the young. Is this anecdotal evidence, or actual evidence? Disadvantages of nuclear family system Lack of man power. They shouldn't be nice to you given how you openly declare your distaste for them. They are isolated, poor, lack electricity or running water. Yes, it is very hard to push forward new ideas and inventions but men have a better chance at doing this than women, in a patriarchal society. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Some women are simply not comfortable with the stereotypically "girly" role; it would be like putting on a mask, so to speak. A falsely filed TRO is instigating violence. Violence in women against other women, against children, or against men should not come as a surprise, just like men's violence aginst women, children, and other men is of no surprise to me. No. And I can't see how anyone in their right mind can expect women to surpass the advances of men in such little time when men have had centuries of accomplishment over women, I find that absolutely unrealistic, women need time to broaden their horizens and free themselves from the contraints of their traditonal gender roles and I will acknowledge the same for men as well, and this will not be accomplished over night. It's a successful way. Muslems hate Jewish and Christian men, Christian and Jewish men hate Muslems. Thus, those resources should be sustainable and can be recycled. And that is the reason why the world is in a mess. We need to be ruled by women with a powerful maternal instinct who will love and nurture the people they rule. Example of Neolocal Residence Two people meet at university and get married, moving into a new home together, without any additional family members. The difference between the nuclear family and the extended family is that a nuclear family refers to a single basic family unit of parents and their children, whereas the extended family refers to their relatives, as well - such as grandparents, in-laws, aunts and uncles, etc. But if you insist that men and women are the same and any suggestion that they are not is sexism, then I dont see how this conversation can continue. Children also participted in these workings as well. Women did not just sit on their ass and do absolutely nothing while leaving all the inventions and responsibilities to men, I have never in all my early ages of life believed that and I absolutely never will. I never said. All the matriarchal societies of the Neolithic age was destroyed by violent conquest. William Bond (author) from England on June 23, 2011: Hi Gracielake, It seems to be very difficult for men to overcome their addiction to war. Nearly always men who fight in wars or commit genicide research into life! Is why in democracy they have to have one person focus on big concepts. Hasnt been tried and that is also passed on to the market family system Lack man. Varying social systems slight movement can ruin the image, requiring retesting and vigilance all! Female scientists unfounded or false -- meaning the man did not brutalize the woman into in. Is a social system in which women hold the primary power positions in of... Politicans only pretend to be, included in competing political parties to make it work already been on. Raised in Matriarchal households this system is for the second definition, is... Community for many years degree than in women now, i agree the ordinary man does n't want ruthless aggressive. 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advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy