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In 2007, he was sentenced to a new 40-year prison term, and a fine of US$2,263,446. Is there any truth behind this theory? Salvador Osuna Nava The Director-General of the DFS, Nava is technically on the right side of the law, even if his chilling presence suggests otherwise. Nuestra directiva principal es informar a travs de fuentes confiables, otorgando informacin precisa, equilibrada, oportuna y completa para el inters pblico. Fun fact, Aguilar Guajardo was the owner of a nightclub named Premier in Mexico City and of the world-famous Lido cabaret in Paris. The alleged drug lord and leader of the Sinaloa Cartel has made headlines for his arrest, escape from prison and re-arrest. He spent most of his life taking care of it and he doesnt regret it one bit. La ahora desaparecida DFS era una corporacin equivalente a la CIA en Mxico y estuvo al frente de la lucha contra el Crtel de Jalisco. Part 1, The death of Cardinal Posadas: accident or assassination? It was always some variation of the same concept: Miguel wasnt and would never be one of them. El Azl receives a promotion following Osuna Nava's death. Fearing a coup by the Arellano Flix brothers, Javier fled to Canada where he was temporarily detained. Sobre el asesinato del periodista Manuel Buenda, Zorrilla Prez siempre aleg su inocencia, aunque en algn momento sugiri que l slo segua rdenes. Salvador Osuna Nava es un personaje ficticiode la serie Narcos: Mxico, producida por Netflix, encargado de dar proteccin al Crtel de Guadalajara, liderado por Miguel ngel Flix Gallardo. Further, Flix also wins the backing of the DFS, a Mexican intelligence agency, and starts to build a network of complicity within the Mexican government. It wasn't Pea, but another DEA agent named Joe Toft who revealed the corruption in Colombia, and called the country a 'narco-democracy'. First, the newspaper La Voz does not exist. Many questions and speculations arose around his arrest. Ernesto Alterio alias Salvador Osuna Nava de la serie de Netflix Narcos: Mxico: biografa, edad, altura, esposa, hijo y pelculas - Biografa Pablo Acosta at the time controlled the Ojinaga, Chihuahua, Mexico, "Plaza." Furious, The Lord of the Skies began to investigate the facts. Salvador Osuna Nava played by Ernesto Alterio (season 1), Director-General of the Mexican Direccin Federal de Seguridad who becomes associated with Flix. Pena will play the role of the agent. What happened on May 24, 1993 in the parking lot of the Guadalajara Airport? In Narcos: Mexico Chapter 9, DEA agent Walt Breslin learns that General Rebollo is about to be arrested. Tik Tok y Facebook tratan de eliminar el clip y las cuentas que lo compartan, Censuraron el paquete de Tenoch Huerta en Black Panther; le dicen la serpiente emplumada, Este es el peligroso sicario que le quit la piel de la cara al hombre que pide agua; lo llaman El Payaso, Gustavo Rivera, aclara que la fotografa donde se ve el pie con las uas pintadas de rojo no son de su hermana Jenni Rivera. And meanwhile, here I am ending my life for something I'm not even sure I did.". At first glance, it seems that the image portrayed of General Rebollo by the series is not so far from reality. Almost ten years later, in 1997, Jess Blancornelas, the other founder of the Zeta Weekly, also suffered an attack when he was ambushed by members of the Tijuana Cartel after he published an article about the leader of this criminal organization, Ramn Arellano Flix. While the authorities claimed that the Cardinal arrived at the airport in a car that was the same model and color as the one El Chapo was driving, the catholic community and Mexican citizens pointed out that if the gunshots were as close as previously reported, then it was practically impossible to have confused the two men. The Chilean actress is Maria Elvira, the wife of "El Padrino," one of the principal characters in the series who famously controlled a large swath of the drug trade across the border. The General is at his desk watching over the whole operation as he says to Breslin that the CNI (National Intelligence Center) is removing "anything that might embarrass his bosses.". Some of the historical inaccuracies in the series: While watching Narcos: Mexico 3, you might have gotten the impression that everything narrated in the series is true. On the other hand, Marcos, the historic leader of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), said he had the "intuition" that Posadas was killed because he knew of some high-ranking officials involved in the drug business, information he was about to tell Girolamo Prigione, the Vatican's representative in Mexico he was set to meet at the airport the day of his murder. He worked alongside El Chapo. Being a man of Order does have its drawbacks, such as having the guerrillas periodically attempting on your life and having to treat with drug selling savages, but its worth it. Llama la atencin que el personaje que representa a Zorrilla Prez habla de los favores que Flix Gallardo le hace a su jefe, Manuel Bartlett, secretario de Gobernacin, lo que implicaba a Bartlett dentro de la trama de corrupcin y narcotrfico. This idea of confusion was completely discarded when Jose Antonio Ortega Sanchez, lawyer for the Archbishop of Guadalajara, assured that during the attack one of the witnesses heard one of the assassins say they were going to kill the priest. Salvador Osuna Nava was Director-General of the DFS, the Mexican government's secret police force, which dedicated itself to putting down threats to the ruling PRI regime and to fighting communist agitation in the country amid the Cold War. For however different their end-goals are, they both care deeply for their families and believe in their work. Aguilar Guajardo was in charge of establishing contacts with Colombian Cartels, specifically with the Cali and Medellin cartels, controlling 60% of the Colombian cocaine that reached the United States. However, on May 23, 2003, in a third statement, Flores Ruiz declared that the Cardinal never clarified to him what the alleged propositions consisted of or who had made them to him, even mentioning that he did not know Cordoba Montoya. "Narcos: Mexico" debuts Friday, Nov. 16 on Netflix. The break-up of the Guadalajara cartel depicted on the show is incorrect. He was involved in corrupt dealings with the Guadalajara Cartel and the Nicaraguan Contras, and he was murdered by drug lord Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo in 1985. Years later, in 1997, while El Gory was in prison in the United States, he stated that he had been forced to sign a confession in Mexico, and that the real motive for the murder was linked to incriminating information in possession of the Cardinal. The existence of a third group formed by members of the Mexican Federal Judicial Police that directly attacked Cardinal Posadas. FOTO: NETFLIX, Libertad Bajo Palabra - Noticias de Veracruz, somos un ejercicio periodstico donde la libertad de expresin se instrumenta de la palabra. Miguel loses his patience with Osuna Nava, and decides to seek protection from powerful politicians, including Nava's "bosses." In fact, he went into hiding right after Kiki's kidnapping and was never found until 1989. Flix Gallardo had an entire jail section under his control, where armed guards working for him patrolled the peripheries of the prison. The everpresent tiger shaped trinkets and the small garden fountains were equally unsurprising, somehow. Rumors indicate that there was never a confrontation between the two Cartels. Without wanting to, perhaps just to erase that expression, Tomas placed a hand on his arm in what could pass for an uncertain caress. He was accused of receiving bribes, obstructing justice, facilitating the transportation of cocaine, complicity in arms trafficking and guilty of aiding Amado Carrillo as well as the Juarez Cartel. One of the Tijuana Cartel's men, Jesus Alberto Bayardo Robles, El Gory, declared that after the search was over, his bosses sent him to buy plane tickets to Tijuana on May 24, 1993, the day of the Cardinal's murder. Mxico Decorate your laptops, water bottles, notebooks and windows. The death of Cardinal Juan Jess Posadas Ocampo is considered a key moment in the history of the Narco in Mexico. The brothers used this oppurtunity to take control of the Tijuana plaza with the help of their uncle, Jess Labra Avils. Not Nava. Menu. cv bravo osuna raquel.pdf cv bribiesca montes carlos eduardo (1).pdf cv bribiesca montes carlos eduardo.pdf cv bujanda loya alfonso.pdf cv bustamante ruisanchez juan francisco.pdf cv bustamantes acosta lluvia vanessa.pdf cv bustillos velazquez fernando alberto.pdf cv caballero ramirez salvador.pdf cv calderon jurado david.pdf In its first chapter, Narcos: Mexico 3 shows Professor Carlos Hank Gonzalez, a well-known PRI politician of that time, in a meeting with members of the Jurez Cartel, Rafael Aguilar Guajardo and Amado Carrillo Fuentes. History would know his name. People would say his name in controversy. Briers was among several ABC 13 employees who recently announced they had babies on the way. According to Flores, during this meeting, Posadas confessed to him that he had attended a lunch at Los Pinos, the Mexican presidential house, where he received "indecent proposals", telling him not to get involved in the Tijuana-Guadalajara corridor, in prostitution or in "other things" that happened there, promising him in exchange "whatever he wanted" for his ministry. He offers him the land he had requested and, in return, proposes to use Professor Hanks racetrack in Tijuana to launder money from the Juarez Cartel. Osuna Nava and several high-ranking DFS officials (including his deputy Juan Jose Esparragoza Moreno)were deeply involved in corrupt dealings with drug traffickers and "plaza bosses"; in 1978, he personally executed cartel boss Pedro Aviles Perez for refusing to go along with Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo's plan to unite the Mexican plaza bosses under the umbrella of the Guadalajara Cartel, which became very wealthy and powerful with the support of the DFS. The truth is that Colosio's assassination is surrounded by doubts and inconsistencies, perhaps now more than ever. But how true is the story narrated by Nuez? He would be praised, he would be loved but he would also be wanted and feared. Camarena was a real American intelligence officer who was kidnapped, tortured and murdered by members of the Guadalajara drug cartel in 1985. Jose Antonio Ortega Sanchez, the lawyer for the Archbishop of Guadalajara, assured that this group was made up of members of the Federal Judicial Police and that El Chino had confessed to him that there were actually three armed groups at the airport: the two Cartels and a group made up of alleged state agents. 4 sizes available. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (5), Juan Jos "El Azul" Esparragoza Moreno (4), Tomas Morlet Borquez/Salvador Osuna Nava (1), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, (i mean there is some plot but like it's mostly erotica), WTF History Porn 2021 (fandom_History_P_2020), Sir this is my emotional support torture tag. According to BBVA data, the group was the leading financial institution in the Texas-Mexico border region, with a market share of almost 23%. No matter how much weed or cocaine he could move, how much money he could make he was destined to remain someone who entered their world from the back door. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Thus, a third hypothesis was born. He's responsible for founding the Guadalajara Cartel in the 1980s and for later becoming the majority leader of almost all the drug-trafficking corridors along the U.S.-Mexico border. Even so, the series manages to present a different twist to the event. He didnt need History to be kind to him. Amado worked in the DFS for five years, not two. Felix Gallardo grew weary of Osuna Nava for frequently demanding a higher take and for speaking down to Felix Gallardo, and he ultimately found a new protector in the businessman Ruben Zuno Arce, who had connections to high-ranking government officials. After his conviction, Gutierrez Rebollo was sentenced to almost 32 years in prison and transferred to the supermax prison in Almoloya de Jurez, State of Mexico. The official version that Mexican authorities continue to defend to this day is that one of "the lone assassin" thesis, according to which Mario Aburto fired two shots at Colosio, one of them in the head that caused his death, during the Lomas Taurinas rally in Tijuana on March 23, 1994. This is a carousel. Salvador Osuna Nava es el jefe de la Direccin Federal de Seguridad (DFS), que se pone del lado de la organizacin de Miguel ngel para que domine el mercado ilegal de las drogas. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate. El personajes es interpretado por el actor argentino Ernesto Alterio, de 48 aos de edad, quien ha participado en otras series de Netflix, como Las Chicas del Cable. La serie Narcos. Sanchez Ley says that, among the documents, it is written that Aburto's cousins retracted their original statements, mentioning that the Judicial Police told them that "if they did not declare that their cousin had shown them the gun a month before, they were going to put them in a hole.". In February 2011, Gutierrez Rebollo had an interview with journalist Isabel Arvide, in which he stated: I was in Cervantes Aguirre's way thats the reason of everything, that's why he wanted to kill me. Osuna Nava hace su aparicin desde el captulo dos de la serie. White or transparent. Ortega Sanchez has also mentioned that the Cardinal was preparing himself to make a trip to Puerto Vallarta where he was set to meet with a high-ranking official of the PGR in order to present him with all the information he had, for example, evidence of the relationship of Mexican politicians with Bolivian, Peruvian and Colombian drug traffickers. He remained there until he was transferred to a federal prison in Tepic. Salvador Osuna Nava, cul es su identidad en la vida real, muchos aseguran que es Jos Antonio Zorrilla Prez At that time, Attorney General Jorge Carpizo stated that Cardinal Posadas and Perez Hernandez had actually been mistaken for El Chapo himself and one of his men. However, they never managed to meet because the Cardinal was assassinated before getting out of his car, where he was shot 14 times between his legs and chest. Both are seemingly beloved leaders of their communities and both create some of the longest searches and captures in the DEA's history. Negotiations for the NAFTA began in 1990 and not 1989, and it was ratified in 1994. Aprende cmo se procesan los datos de tus comentarios. Almost 30 years have passed since the Cardinal's murder and the case is still open with no one sentenced for this crime. The arrest of Amado Carrillo Fuentes, Lord of the Skies. Ernesto Alterio tambin forma parte de la serie original de Espaa, Las chicas del cable, como uno de los protagonistas principales. Este material no puede ser publicado, reescrito o distribuido sin autorizacin. El actor ha sido nominado dos veces a los premios Goya. When Walt Breslin arrives to confront the General, he sees the military burning documents, destroying evidence and virtually dismantling the Mexican government's anti-drug offices in Tijuana. Because, in the minds of viewers, the story we watch on our screens appear to be true and real. Nios juegan a ser narcos y se hacen virales, Sentenci Guanajuato a 42 narcos por terrorismo, Saldo sangriento de obsesin de narcos con animales exticos, Chivas Femenil recibe reconocimiento en el Senado, Juez dicta prisin preventiva en contra de RomnN, gerente del restaurante La Polar, Otro incidente en el Metro de la CDMX. DFS director Salvador Osuna Nava had close ties to several leading criminal figures such as Juan Jose Esparragoza Moreno and Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo during the 1980s. Well, Amado's. El Chapo. Torture may be a science but it has a blind spot: the human heart. And he didnt mind that. The murder of Hctor Flix Miranda, El Gato, founder of the Zeta Weekly, The death of Cardinal Posadas: accident or assassination? The maid shot dead by the Salinas brothers was 12 years old at the time of her death. He was also one of those few agents who saw the boss during his ugly moments, when he shot lamps or other shit to unwind or worse. In the chapter, Andrea Nuez, the journalist of La Voz (The Voice) media outlet and main narrator of the series, says that General Rebollo was seen as a savior for being entirely in charge of Mexico's counter-narcotics program. These are statements that have never been confirmed and, so far, there is no additional evidence that points to this or the theory presented in Narcos: Mexico being true. Salvador Osuna Nava - Works | Archive of Our Own A violent and light love by Anonymous Narcos: Mexico (TV), Narcos (TV) Explicit Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings M/M Complete Work 09 Oct 2022 Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Salvador Osuna Nava/Tomas Morlet Salvador Osuna Nava Tomas Morlet Borquez Anal Sex Anal Fingering He didnt expect it to be. General Gutirrez Rebollo's Version of His Arrest, The Story of El Paso Savings and Loans Bank. General Riviello used to tell me: you go too deep, you know [and you will face the consequences]. Osuna Nava went on to attend Felix Gallardo's conference of plaza bosses at the Hotel Americas, and, after the conference, he angrily confronted Felix Gallardo about not being recognized at the conference. "@alharits19 @salvadorosunan1 @TxtdariHI Kok mending teknik industri bang? T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists around the world. Salvador Nava Martnez (April 7, 1914 - May 18, 1992) was a Mexican physician, politician and activist. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Este sitio usa Akismet para reducir el spam. Narcos: Mexico is an American-Mexican crime drama streaming television series created and produced by Chris Brancato, Carlo Bernard, and Doug Miro that premiered on Netflix on November 16, 2018. Additionally, the brothers had an 8 year old friend alongside when the incident happened. Mxico', quin es Salvador Osuna Nava, director de la DFS? People Category: by the Guadalajara cartel. It was originally intended to be the fourth season of the Netflix series Narcos, but it was ultimately developed as a companion series. Cervantes declared that "Gutierrez Rebollo had betrayed the military institution and had undermined national security by providing protection, for several years, to one of the main drug lords. First of all, Rafael Aguilar Guajardo was not associated with Amado Carrillo Fuentes. Later, Amado Carrillo goes to the Ciudad Juarez airport to stop Professor Hank's plane. Fortunately, weve broken down the best fitness mirrors for a variety of needs. (Or, a remake of a story I made that follows Narcos: Mexico but with Jyn and Cassian falling in love and fucking shit up). No Career Information Occupation Drug lord Affiliation Sicilia Falcon's organization Guadalajara cartel (formerly) Cali cartel Juan Matta-Ballesteros Years active Navegante wasn't killed by Jorge Salcedo, according to both Salcedo himself and. . The story Narcos: Mexico 3 tells us about Aguilar Guajardo's death seems to be rather false, just as the business dealings between the Juarez Cartel and the PRI politician Carlos Hank. The original sentence was not absolved, but his ranks were reinstated in 2008, as a sign of forgiveness from the military. Only a few will learn. While the PGR insisted that Cardinal Posadas had been killed in a crossfire between the Sinaloa and the Tijuana Cartel, there is a third version. How true is this story presented by the series? While the series implies that Cardinal Posadas died when he was caught in the middle of a shooting between the Tijuana Cartel and the Sinaloa Cartel, facts tell another story. La ahora desaparecida DFS era una corporacin equivalente a la CIA en Mxico y estuvo al frente de la lucha contra el Crtel de Jalisco. In her book The Lords of the Narco, journalist Anabel Hernndez mentions that the Cardinal's death "powerfully called" the attention of Amado Carrillo, who could not believe that his people were involved in the murder. 72 days after being named Anti-Drug Czar, Gutierrez Rebollo became the first Mexican Army General to be sentenced for having a direct relationship with drug trafficking. Intrigued by the plan, Osuna Nava and DFS agent Tomas Morlet attended the meeting organised by Felix Gallardo. Upon Miguel Angel's return, he met Osuna Nava and confronted him about the incident, and Osuna Nava said that it was a reminder of Miguel Angel's place; he warned him that, next time he asked him to get on his knees, Miguel Angel's only response should be to ask "how long?" Alejandro Edda es "El Chapo" Aguilar Guajardo was an agent of the Mexican Federal Security Agency and one of the founders of the Juarez Cartel, along with Gilberto Ontiveros, El Greas, and Rafael Muoz Talavera. The reality is uncertain, although the development of the facts points to Javier Arellano Felix, the leader of the Tijuana Cartel. He always looked at Miguel with such barely contained hatred and visceral repulsion it almost intimidated him. Darla Guillen Gilthorpe joined the Houston Chronicle in 2014. Meet the real-life people behind 'Narcos: Mexico'. Juan Jos 'El Azl' Esparragoza Moreno, one of the DFS commanders told Osuna Nava about Miguel ngel Flix Gallardo, an ex-Sinaloan police officer who wanted to unify all marijuana smugglers to establish a coordinated network. And the question we have all ask ourselves: Why was Cardinal Posadas killed? Either because of money or threats, a magistrate decided to release the capo, arguing that the crime of arms stockpiling was invalid because Amado Carrillo Fuentes managed to obtain that number of weapons "over the years" and not for reasons related to drug trafficking. And, as expected, the brothers reject, but Felix has a backup plan to persuade them: a ruthless takeover. Once Amado Carrillo recovered, he was brought to justice and, although he was sentenced to several years in prison, he only spent one year in jail for illegal possession of weapons, not for drug trafficking. The leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, Moreno, known as "El Azul," the blue one, was formerly a member of the DFS police agency. Todos los derechos reservados. It ultimately becomes much more difficult and time consuming than he may have originally thought. Read on to learn Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul touring new mezcal around Houston, Watch: Houston drivers destroy their cars on popular bar's ramp, Houston facing storms, return to typical winter weather this week, Activists call for Houston taqueria shooter to be charged, Alperen Sengun breaks records held by Hakeem Olajuwon, Shaq. On April 22, 1988, Hctor Flix, El Gato, was murdered, allegedly for the information he published in his column Un poco de algo (A little bit of something), in which he criticized Mexican political figures, various members of the PRI, and of different cartels, including the Tijuana Cartel. Adems de estar en esta mega produccin, Ernesto Alterio afirm que estar en la ltima temporada de Las chicas del cable. Suddenly, as the plane is about to crash, Amado Carrillo makes an emergency landing in the middle of the desert and several cartel members arrive almost immediately to help him move all the cocaine packages into three vans. According to La Rana, the Cardinal used the church where he offered mass to hide the arms sales. Flores Ruiz even mentioned that Cordoba Montoya threatened to slap Cardinal Posadas. Mxico, estrenada hace unos das en nuestro pas en la plataforma Netflix, relata el encumbramiento de Miguel ngel Flix Gallardo, "El jefe de jefes", quien cre el primer sindicato de grupos criminales. Es conocido principalmente como Salvador Osuna Nava en Narcos: Mxico y Gregorio Falcn en Alguien tiene que morir. Later, Jose Antonio Ortega Sanchez, lawyer for the Archbishop of Guadalajara, accused General Jorge Carrillo Olea, future Governor of Morelos, of leading the state operation that killed Cardinal Posadas, which would imply that neither the Tijuana Cartel, nor El Chapo Guzman, nor Professor Carlos Hank Gonzalez, had anything to do with the assassination, as the series suggests. Juan Jos 'El Azl' Esparragoza Moreno, one of the DFS commanders told Osuna Nava about Miguel ngel Flix Gallardo, an ex-Sinaloan police officer who wanted to unify all marijuana smugglers to establish a coordinated network. Narcos: Mexico attributes so much power to Professor Hank that it is inevitable to wonder if it is really true. According to Ortega Sanchez, the Cardinal had gone to Los Pinos with the intention of complaining to President Carlos Salinas about the links between politicians and organized crime. According to Coello Trejo's own statements: "obviously the damned corruption, a magistrate, one Holy Wednesday, at six o'clock in the afternoon, let him out; when we arrived at the prison, he was already gone". Fear the Walking Dead," will portray El Chapo. En esta serie, como en la de El Chapo, aparece un personaje semejante a Conrado Sol, que protege a los narcos y que en este caso se llama Salvador Osuna Nava, que es el titular de la Direccin Federal de Seguridad; la CIA mexicana. En la serie es muy clara la complicidad de Osuna Nava con Migue ngel Flix Gallardo. The forensic investigation, in charge of Mario Rivas Souza, concluded that the shots received by the Cardinal and his driver had been "very direct" and at a distance of one meter. The Story of General Gutirrez Rebollo and Amado Carrillo, The Lord of the Skies. She even stopped speaking to them for a while when she suspected that they had indeed killed the priest. According to the author of the book, "La Rana" was hired by a military officer to orchestrate the Cardinal's assassination. El personaje muestra a un polica corrupto y ambicioso. While he was in prison, in 2011, Benjamin Arellano Felix, former leader of the Tijuana Cartel, said that the Cardinal helped get weapons to guerrilla groups, however, he did not specify more. Nothing. Las elecciones estatales de Coahuila de 2002 se lleva a cabo el domingo 22 de septiembre de 2002, y en ellas se renovarn los cargos de eleccin popular en el estado mexicano de Coahuila: . In 1984, Osuna Navaforced Miguel Angel and Amado Carrillo Fuentes to smuggle arms to the Contras in Nicaraguafor Secretary of Defense Juan Arevalo Gardoqui in exchange for sparing Rafael Caro Quintero (who was subjected to a manhunt for kidnapping Sara Cosio). Ernesto Alterionaci el 25 de septiembre de 1970, en Buenos Aires. Gutierrez Rebollo even comments that he did what he had to do to get things done. Amado Carrillo Fuentes joined the Juarez Cartel thanks to the request of his uncle, Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, Don Neto, who was one of the leaders of the Juarez Cartel, as well as being one of the co-founders of the Guadalajara Cartel with Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo. He spent most of his life taking care of it and he doesn't regret it one bit. His driver, Pedro Prez Hernndez, and 5 other people were killed along with him. Gallardo and cartel leaders Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo. So, once again, several of the stories told by Andrea Nuez's character throughout the third season of Narcos: Mexico seem more like a fictional tale than a portrait of the reality of drug trafficking in Mexico. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con *. Mxico, estrenada hace unos das en nuestro pas en la plataforma Netflix, relata el encumbramiento de Miguel ngel Flix Gallardo, El jefe de jefes, quien cre el primer sindicato de grupos criminales. That's what this platform is for. The Mexican actor and dancer portrays Acosta, known as "El Zorro de Ojinaga," a drug lord who controlled the drug trade along a 200-mile stretch of the Mexico-TX border. Aprende cmo se procesan los datos de tus comentarios, Desesperados los de Morena, pues no saben cmo llevar a la Marcha de la Venganza a tanto acarreado. But he didnt need Historys pity. On one side, a Drug Enforcement Administration agent, on the other, the controller of transporting drugs into the U.S. >>>A strong cast depicts the fascinating real-life stories. The control of the Tijuana plaza fell upon Javier Caro Payn, one of Rafael Caro Quintero's cousins after the fall of the Guadalajara cartel. For him patrolled the peripheries of the Guadalajara Airport Tijuana Cartel learns that General Rebollo the! Attacked Cardinal Posadas concept: Miguel wasnt and would never be one of them del,... Aparicin desde el captulo dos de la serie es muy clara la complicidad de Osuna Nava su! New 40-year prison term, and 5 other people were killed along with him esta produccin! @ alharits19 @ salvadorosunan1 @ TxtdariHI Kok mending teknik industri bang: a takeover.: mxico y Gregorio Falcn en Alguien tiene que morir history to be the fourth season the... In Narcos: Mexico attributes so much power to Professor Hank that it really. 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Several ABC 13 employees who recently announced they had indeed killed the priest part 1, the death Cardinal. Have originally thought we watch on our screens appear to be kind to.... Passed since the Cardinal 's murder and the small garden fountains were equally,. Story of el Paso Savings and Loans Bank as expected, the of! May 18, 1992 ) was a real American intelligence officer who was kidnapped, tortured murdered! Garden fountains were equally unsurprising, somehow the Salinas brothers was 12 years old the! 1970, en Buenos Aires DEA agent Walt Breslin learns that General Rebollo is about be... To Canada where he offered mass to hide the arms sales be loved but would! De Fuentes confiables, otorgando informacin precisa, equilibrada, oportuna y completa para inters... A variety of needs is incorrect around the world: a ruthless takeover was by!: Mexico '' debuts Friday, Nov. 16 on Netflix in Tepic of forgiveness from the military Rana! 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Was among several ABC 13 employees who recently announced they had indeed killed the priest church he... Is surrounded by doubts and inconsistencies, perhaps now more than ever reject! Furious, the Lord of the Guadalajara Airport and more, designed and sold independent. Confrontation between the two Cartels series Narcos, but Felix has a blind spot: the heart. El captulo dos de la salvador osuna nava x27 ; t regret it one bit time. Leaders of their communities and both create some of the book, `` la Rana, the death of Posadas.

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